User Guide to Working with Manu

This is a set of guidelines on how I like the team-work to happen. I’d like to hear your thoughts, ideas, and your guidelines after you read it.

1. Communication

  • It’s important we communicate well and often.
  • I like Slack the best as our go-to communication tool.
  • I like async communication, using threads over multiple consecutive messages, and reactions for ACKs.

2. Documentation

  • I like Notion for documenting decisions.
  • It’s important to build a knowledge base based on Documentation and not on people remembering stuff.

3. Reporting

  • I don’t like to micromanage nor to be micromanaged.
  • I value strong reporting skills about the status of the issues and the capacity to anticipate possible setbacks with time.

4. Problem Solving

  • If you are stuck with something, I expect you to communicate it. But first, I expect you to try a couple of things to unstuck yourself.
    • The first thing I will ask you is how did you try to solve the problem and why those things didn’t work.
    • I’ll do my best to help unstuck you otherwise.

5. Ownership

  • I expect you to take ownership for your work, and to solve the issues without too many input from me.
  • Speak your mind when something is broken and pair it with solutions.
  • Be punctual to the meetings and be present on them.

6. Coding

  • I’ve high standards for our codebases. I like the code/commits/PRs to be organized.
  • Unit testing is there to help us. I will require new additions to be tested.
  • If the tests does not pass on CI for a particular PR, that PR cannot be merged until we fix the tests.
  • I like to spend some time refactoring old code. It’s a good opportunity to make the codebase stronger and to keep adding test coverage.
  • I like to automate the boring stuff, so please let me know if you see something that you feel should be automatic and we can work on it.
User Guide to Working with Manu |
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