Tag Index

 books (7) iOS (56) productivity (14) random (1) testing (17) tools (20)

 books (7)

The Compound Effect
Die with Zero
Brain Rules
Excellent Advice for Living
The Joy of Less
The Charisma Myth

 iOS (56)

Day to Day Starting 11
New App - OSLog Console Logger
GHA: Cloning Private Dependencies
How to: Ace the interview process
Centralized Dependencies
ViewModifiers: Image Picker
ViewModifiers: Shrinking views
SwiftUI: Adaptable Stack
Force Update Mechanism
Testing NotificationCenter: Concurrency vs Threading
StateObject vs ObservedObject
Combine Repository
UI vs API Models
Use Periphery to find unused code
Improve the build times of your SPM Packages and your apps
New App - NotificationCenter protocols
Fix to SwiftUI encountered an issue when pushing a NavigationLink
New App - Document Best Practices
Future-Proof enum decoding
Build Phase to enforce minimum SwiftLint version
New App - Configuring SwiftFormat
New App - Number Formatters
NetworkLogger: Adding debug information to your network calls
The Definition of Done
New App - Console Logger [Deprecated]
SwiftUI: Using a Repository as the single source of truth
UserPreferences: A wrapper for UserDefaults
ViewStateController: Debug State
How to keep up with the industry standards
My Xcode Setup and Shortcuts
New App - Toasts
ViewStateController: Reusable State Management for SwiftUI
Enhancing Testability with protocols
Enhancing Testability without protocols
New App - Testing Helpers
New App - Xcode Templates
New App - Fonts
New App - Json Encoder/Decoder
New App - Date Formatters
New App - Pull Request Template
New App - View State
New App - Components
New App - View Modifiers
New App - Contributing Guidelines
New App - Build Tools
New App - Localization
New App - Constants
New App Checklist
@Published property wrapper
Hot Reload in Swift!
Test private properties using Mirror
Add an Example App to an SPM Package
Fix your app's crashes with Xcode Organizer's help
Using Siri's voice to speak in your app
The Code Review Process

 productivity (14)

Streamlining My Life
Improve the build times of your SPM Packages and your apps
Use FastLane to create PRs
New App - Document Best Practices
The Definition of Done
How to keep up with the industry standards
Configuring a new MacBook
My Xcode Setup and Shortcuts
New App - Pull Request Template
New App - Build Tools
User Guide to Working with Manu
H Mode
The Code Review Process
Rules and Habits for a better life

 random (1)

Raising Oreo

 testing (17)

GHA: Cloning Private Dependencies
Testing NotificationCenter: Concurrency vs Threading
StateObject vs ObservedObject
Self-Hosted Github Actions Runners
Combine Repository
UI vs API Models
New App - NotificationCenter protocols
Future-Proof enum decoding
New App - Number Formatters
UserPreferences: A wrapper for UserDefaults
ViewStateController: Debug State
ViewStateController: Reusable State Management for SwiftUI
Enhancing Testability with protocols
Enhancing Testability without protocols
New App - Testing Helpers
New App Checklist
Test private properties using Mirror

 tools (20)

Self-Hosted Github Actions Runners
Swift Typo Detector
Use Periphery to find unused code
Improve the build times of your SPM Packages and your apps
Use FastLane to create PRs
New App - Document Best Practices
How to create a Windows 11 bootable USB drive using Ubuntu
Build Phase to enforce minimum SwiftLint version
New App - Configuring SwiftFormat
NetworkLogger: Adding debug information to your network calls
The Definition of Done
New App - Console Logger [Deprecated]
Configuring a new MacBook
My Xcode Setup and Shortcuts
New App - Xcode Templates
New App - Pull Request Template
New App - Build Tools
User Guide to Working with Manu
H Mode
Hot Reload in Swift!